helpful tools for peaceful parenting


expressing emotions guide

  • Get 5 simple steps to teach your child to stop meltdowns faster

  • Learn what signs to look for to stop meltdowns before they even happen

  • Get the behavioral strategies that actually work – we’ve tested them and they’re effective for every child!

Bedtime Essentials

  • How to implement a bedtime routine consistently

  • What to include in your bedtime routine to help your child wind down

  • Yes, you can include a quick clean-up session in the routine:

    • The operative word being “quick”— set a timer and clean up as many things as possible in 5 mins! Make it fun by doing a race…😉

Ultimate Toddler Tantrum Toolkit

  • Learn essential strategies to conquer toddler tantrums in this toolkit:

    • 5 possible purposes to your child's tantrums

    • What's the purpose of each tantrum?

    • How to stop each tantrum

    • 5 things you can do to avoid tantrums in the first place

Monthly Reset Planner for Busy Moms

  • If you find yourself feeling *Parent Burnout* and are just overwhelmed trying to do too many things or feeling like what you're doing has got to change, this planner is for you!

    • Identify your current values to create goals for the upcoming month to bring JOY into your life!- worksheet

    • Develop just 3-4 *Manageable Goals* that you'll actually be able to meet- worksheet

    • Schedule in your goals to ensure you complete them- calendar

    • Check off the goals you met at the end of the month- checklist

    • Problem solve at the end of the month to see what strategies worked and which ones didn't- journal