Parent consulting

Telehealth sessions (or in-home if you are in the Hampton Roads, VA area) with a Board Certified and Licensed Behavior Analyst.

Telehealth sessions (or in-home if you are in the Hampton Roads, VA area) providing individualized guidance on understanding and responding to your neurotypical/ typically-developing or neurodiverse (developmental disability) child’s challenging behaviors. These sessions can focus on responding to tantrums, back-talking, throwing, disruption, arguing, screaming, fighting with siblings, listening to instructions, and many other challenging behaviors your child may engage in. Peaceful parenting isn’t just a dream— we’re here to help you achieve it with simple behavioral strategies!



Direct ABA Therapy

Daisy Mae provides direct, individualized ABA therapy with a behavior analyst in-home for neurodiverse children/ children with developmental disabilities, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Direct ABA Therapy targets the following skills: verbal behavior/ language/ communication, food and stimulus aversions and selectivity (i.e., picky eaters), coping and tolerance skills, play skills, self-help skills, independent living skills, leisure skills, safety skills, challenging behaviors, social skills, and emotional regulation.

*Parent Consulting services are required and automatically included with this service.



potty Training

We specialize in individualized, intensive potty training for neurotypical/ typically-developing children and neurodiverse children/ children with developmental disabilities of all ages.

We specialize in individualized, intensive toilet training that includes the following:

  • Individualized protocol and training based on evidence-based research to fit your child’s needs and maximize progress (can be offered through Telehealth)

  • Continued communication and feedback to help child achieve toileting independence

    Behavior analyst will be in continued contact with parents to aid in the implementation of the protocol

In-person options:

  • Initial intensive potty training day (in-home)

    Behavior analyst will implement individualized potty training protocol with parents and fade out while fading parents in to train them to continue the protocol in the following weeks



what previous clients are saying

“If we could bring Tania with us after moving away, we absolutely would. My two boys loved working with her and would get upset when she had to leave for the day. Their verbal and behavioral skills before and after Tania came into our lives is like night and day. She helped us with innumerable behavioral issues and her guidance led my 4 year old to call me mommy for the first time in his life! The training sessions she had with myself and my husband helped us to better understand our children and help others with their own.” — Katie


“Tania was thorough, consistent, and had a genuine interest in my daughter. She took time to explain things, educate us, and held us accountable to our goals. My daughter was not communicating with us before working with Tania, but now she asks for help and says what she needs help with, she’s happier because she’s understood better, she’s telling on her brother, and she can let us know what she wants all the time!” — Sheryl


“My son was not talking and was biting, throwing, and not potty trained before we started working with her. She taught us what to do for his biting and throwing, how to figure out why he’s doing something and figure out what to do for other behaviors, and to avoid a small potty and go straight to underwear for potty training. After working with Tania, my son has started talking, hasn’t regressed on any of the skills she taught him in ABA therapy, has started to learn things without extra support, and is now potty trained. We appreciated that she was accommodating and had a common-sense approach!” — Macie


“We’ve been able to live our hopes and dreams for our kiddo since working with Mrs. Tania. Life before ABA was stressful 24 hours a day and my daughter eloped (attempted to run away), was defiant, and had sensory overload tantrums. Mrs. Tania taught us to stand firm and be consistent and my daughter has now been able to navigate and fit into society. She has friends, sleepovers, and is able to access her education without IEP services.” — Aimee


““What I loved most about working with Tania was her understanding, empathy, knowledge, and patience with us. As a mom with a child newly diagnosed with Autism, I had many questions and was unsure about everything. Tania always told me she would support me in what I wanted and would research anything she wasn’t familiar with. She was always so patient with my child and I and always gave us both the support we needed to succeed in things we were struggling with. She took data on everything and the details in all the plans she sets up are amazing. I honestly can’t say enough great things about her!” — Sofia


“I enjoyed working with Tania because of her dedication to helping my son increase his communication and life skills and to helping us work on those skills at home. After working with Tania, my son’s vocabulary increased, he was able to tolerate haircuts better, and he learned life skills such as emptying the dishwasher and personal hygiene.” — Jen


*Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (8.05) and Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (5.08 and 5.10) statement: These testimonials were solicited (via post treatment interview/ survey) and are from previous clients who received direct ABA and parent consultation services from Daisy Mae ABA. Informed consent was obtained to publish these testimonials and the testimonials shall not be captured or reused without expressed permission.